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2025: Preparing to sign off (but not just yet)

No new publications in 2024 but I did reprint, for the upteenth time, my WHERE WILTSHIRE MEETS SOMERSET – continually in print since 1982! I increased the price by £1, from £7.95 to £8.95 for which I beg forgiveness.

I also ran out of copies of THE JERSEY LILY (first published in 1994) and reprinted often. I rang the previous printer, enquiring whether they had my pdf on file from the last printing in 2015, and was delighted and not a little surprised when they answered in the affirmative. I ordered a reprint so it is now happily back on the shelves.

In fact I published one book in 2024: ACCORDING TO THE BOOK, sub-titled ‘A publishing life’. This is a sort of memoir – essentially a record of the books I’ve published since I began in 1979. I have woven in a brief autobiographical sketch and pieces on many of the aspects of the business of printing and publishing including publicity, marketing, dealing with booksellers and all viewed, as I write in the back cover blurb, ‘from the perspective of a one-man band in a small provincial town.’
Copies are available only through this website, price £10. If you wish to find out more about the book, see a picture of the cover and read the blurb more fully, go to GENERAL INTEREST on this website.

I am no longer publishing new titles – my last was PHILIP DE CARTERET R.N. This was due to come out in early 2020 with a launch at the Jersey Maritime Museum in March that year. Sadly, the arrival of the COVID Pandemic scuppered our plans but the book was made available through the usual channels.

I am gradually letting existing titles go out of print and it’s always a moment of regret to do so. Having said that, in 2023 I reprinted four of my own books: my second local walking guide, BEYOND WHERE WILTSHIRE MEETS SOMERSET, and my introductory guide to our town: BRADFORD ON AVON, A TOWN LIKE NO OTHER plus two little books: HOLT: AN INDUSTRIAL VILLAGE and TROWBRIDGE: TOWN AND COUNTRY WALKS.

Although no longer adding new titles to the Ex Libris Press and Seaflower lists, I remain active in producing books on behalf of others who have projects which they wish to see in print but which are unlikely to demand a very substantial sale. I have produced hundreds of titles for individuals and local groups over the years, many of whom would be willing to recommend us.

In addition, I am happily producing a number of home-printed and hand-bound projects on various topics – for these see the page at Ex Libris Press/ Hand-bound Books.

With thanks for your support over the past several decades.

Roger Jones


Welcome to Ex Libris Books

Ex Libris Books publishes a range of titles under the imprints Ex Libris Press and Seaflower Books. We also offer a Book Production Service.

We published our first titles on South Devon in 1979-1980, since when we have produced several hundred books, many of which remain in print in updated editions.

Initially our books concentrated on aspects of the heritage and environment of South Devon, the West Country in general and more particularly the counties of Wiltshire and Somerset. Subjects range from town histories, walking guides, literary anthologies and county geologies to accounts of particular landscapes, like the Somerset Levels and the Marlborough Downs.

In 1988 we began to publish books of more general appeal under the heading Country Bookshelf and to explore various themes concerned with country life and lore. All titles in this series are currently out of print.

In 1992 we established the imprint Seaflower Books, under which we have published many books dedicated to the Nature, History and People of the Channel Islands. Our first title was Jersey Rambles, now in its ninth printing, some 20,000 copies are currently in print.



Any of the books featured on this website are obtainable via your local bookseller or may be ordered direct from us post-free. Because of ever-rising postal charges, we charge 50% extra for shipping within the European Union and 90% for shipping to customers in the rest of the world (the cost of postage to America, Australia and New Zealand generally exceeds the cost of the books!).